Updating Mireo DON'T PANIC

Updating Mireo DON'T PANIC for Android

If the application has been installed from Play Store

If you use standard Android settings, you will receive an update notification automatically. Just follow the on-screen prompts.

If update notifications are disabled, please do the following:

  • Run Play Store on your device, and update Mireo DON'T PANIC application
  • Run the application, it will prompt you to update the map
  • If Mireo DON'T PANIC does not offer to update the map, open its menu > Settings > touch the right arrow button > touch the Check for Updates button

If the application has been installed from Mireo or CarteBlanche Ukraine website

Use this update option, if:

  • the app has not been installed from Play Store
  • the folder created by the app is named Dontpanic, not DPCBUkraine

Download the following installer and run it on your device:

Dontpanic-Android-4.7.6.release.apk (8 656 368 bytes)

To update the map, if it is not updated automatically, open the application's menu > Settings > touch the right arrow button > touch the Check for Updates button.

If the application has been installed from CarteBlanche Ukraine CD or website

Use this update option, if:

  • the app has not been installed from Play Store
  • the folder created by the app is named DPCBUkraine, not Dontpanic

Download the following installer and run it on your device:

Dontpanic-216168-android.apk (15 263 019 bytes)

To update the map, if it is not updated automatically, open the application's menu > Settings > touch the right arrow button > touch the Check for Updates button.

Updating Mireo DON'T PANIC for Windows CE

To update Mireo DON'T PANIC Windows CE with the map of Ukraine, please follow the link below to download an installer to your PC, then run it and follow the instructions.

For Mireo DON'T PANIC applications for Windows CE shipped on a separate SD card:

MireoDontpanicUkraineWinCE201309Update.msi (272 838 656 bytes)

For Prestigio GeoVision 5300 navigation devices with preinstalled Mireo DON'T PANIC application:

MireoDontpanicUkraineWinCE201303Update.msi (245 867 008 bytes)

Enjoy your trips!

Mireo Ukraine for Android
Mireo Ukraine for Windows CE

All trademarks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners.
© 2005–2016 Carte Blanche Ukraine